Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Paperless Classroom Challenge

Here's some follow up information to the Paperless Classroom Challenge I proposed at last week's prod.

The idea of a paperless classroom challenge was bantered around last year between Lesley, Bryan, Audrey and I. Given our extraordinary photocopying costs last year, I thought it would be an interesting idea to float for two months - November and April.

The idea came to Lesley and Bryan through a blog they read.
Educator Shelly Blake-Plock writes about the paperless classroom on his blog TeachPaperless.

A few posts from his blog you might find interesting as an introduction to the paperless classroom concept:
I Was a Paper Junkie
Cost Benefits of Going Paperless
At the End of the Anomaly of the Age of Printed Books

Have no fear, the later is not about giving up books, it is about how information is printed today!

The Paperless Classroom, written by a San Diego State University graduate student, offers a good overview of the pros and cons of going paperless, and offers links to other resources.

We are fortunate to have the technology at Sutherland to take a stab at going paperless.

Think about a unit, a lesson, a presentation, a student assessment option that could be given paperless - plan to reduce your paper use in November and April. Think about adopting a speedgeeking application to assist with your paperless goals or revisiting the pdf scanner to digitize your already fabulously created lessons and exercises.

Plan for a paperless November and April!!!


MrsE said...

Good luck with the Paperless Challenge at Sutherland. Maybe you might think about sending out a formal challenge to the other high schools, the one with the greatest reduction in paper costs over the same month the previous year wins?

Haze said...

Good idea! Perhaps I'll put the challenge out at the Tech Coordinator's meeting. I'm not sure how easy that stat is to gather though...

MrsE said...

All our copy machines have counters. It should be easy to get a base line and then track monthly.