Thursday, April 23, 2009

To Blog...

After a bit of a hiatus from my blog, it's time to dive right in again. Where have I been? Good question. In my offline meanderings I've been talking and teaching with technology, and keeping a Google doc of blog entry ideas - it's quite the list. A figure it's about time I practice what I preach.

So, where to start? Let's start back at the beginning, why blog?

For me, I'm hoping to develop this into a place to think and reflect on practice, to introduce technology, new teaching and learning ideas and resources, and to disseminate information.

Why do others' blog?

Well, this is what's happening in our building... great blogs for teaching and learning!!!

Jacquie, Kevin and Norm blog their lesson plans and homework for their Social Studies classes. Tina blogs weekly descriptions of course activity, copies of handouts, and links to curriculum-related sites for her English classes. Tracey uses blogs with his English class to explore non fiction issues. Darcy uses blogs with his English class to initiate discussion and respond to literature. HwlieLie posts daily Math homework on her blog. Jen posts "spanglish" assignments, quizzes, and test dates on her blog. Tara and Jen use a blog with their Journalism class for students to write and collaborate on the Sabre Trooth.

Have I missed anyone? I'm happy to add in.

Looking for blogging ideas or inspiration, check out:
What does blogging do for you or your students?, a seven point summary from the You are Never Alone: communicate and collaborate in an online world blog, and the Why Should Teachers Blog? Practical Theory blog has an interesting comment by Will Richardson posted about blogging, with a follow up discussion.

Will Richardson has a great blog himself Weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write web.

Here are some links to other school bloggers. This wiki indexes Educational bloggers: teachers, principals, classroom blogs, individual student bloggers, blogs about literacy, and professional development blogs - to name a few.

I really like this graphic - a great brainstorm of possible blog characteristics and posted information.

Graphic used under Creative Commons license by Mexicanwave

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