Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year... New Beginnings...

Well, it was about time I started a blog, definitely on the heels of my TL colleagues in my own district, Lesley Edwards, Bookminder of Webfooted Booklady, and Jenn Tieche of Love the Library. After getting hung up on the logistics for far too long, it was just time to jump in with a name I've used for years. Library Links has been the name of my library newsletter and collaboration request document for 20 years. Livin' the Dream has been the nick name for a group of secondary librarians with whom I share information professionally and personally, and have been my lifeline for many years. The name came out of a very famous superbowl commercial called Cat Herders. We envision our jobs as teacher librarians to be akin to the message in the commercial.

My intention is for this blog to be a place for me to compile professional resources and ideas, with a bit of fun thrown in along way.... because I truly am Livin' the Dream.

I have worked in libraries for over 30 years, since I was 12 years old. I love the organization of information and the disorganization of learning - learning is messy - so you might as well dive right in - be with books or bytes. I believe in melding technology with tradition. I love the opportunities for learning technology provides as much as curling up with a good book. Sooooo, here's to Library Links... Livin' the Dream.

Oh, and why books, bytes and butterflies? Books and Bytes, obvious.... and butterflies, for many years I have also loved and appreciated the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly in terms of the transformation, that we as people and learners can emulate.

Photo used under Creative Commons by Mundoo
Blue butterfly montage
Created using Grant Robinson's Montage-a-google


MrsE said...

Welcome, and dare I say, it's about time. I expect to spend much time perusing your blog!

Anonymous said...

Really like your blog. You have so much information on it.
Very impressive. L. Zuk